|{å|-|~©ð£ð®§ ============================================================================= ---===Place this in popups===--- ============================================================================= These are popups to run your colors.Have Fun! ============================================================================= &©-KåH=©ð£ð®§-© .©-KåH=©ð£ð®§-©:/ame 7,1I10,1s1,1 6,1L14,1o3,1a9,1d5,1e11,1d1,1 7,1W10,1i6,1t14,1h1,1 9,1K1,9ï9,1£1,9£9,1å1,9H9,1©1,9ð9,1£1,9ð9,1®1,9§9,1 1,9v1.009,1By: To|\|iC | /brick {©} Color Your Mind {©} .©-GaMeScOrEr-©:/say 1,9}9,1-1,9(9,1 $$?="What Day?" $$?="What Sport?" Score1,9)9,1-1,9{ | /say 4,14-4,15:4,1[ $$?="What Team?" ]4,15:4,14- 1,3<1,9 $$?="Score" 1,3> 4,14-4,15:4,1[ $$?="Other Team" ]4,15:4,14- 1,3<1,9 $$?="Score" 1,3> .-- .©-AwsomeWriting-©:/ece $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .©-BackwardsWriting-©:/bac $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .©-Black+GreenWriting-©:/bg $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .©-Black+RedGreen-©:/cc $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .©-KickAssWriting-©:/e $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .©-KAW+WithColor-©:/ec $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .©-RainbowOnBlack-©:/r $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .©-Red+BlackWriting-©:/brick $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .©-SimpleColor-©:/rainbow $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .©-White+Black-©:/bw $$?="Waht would you like to say?" .-- .&©-KåH=Kï©K§-© ..©-ColorfulDay-©:/kick # $$1 10,1{5,1©14,1}2,1H15,1a3,1v14,1e4,1 13,1a5,1 12,1c6,1o11,1l7,1o10,1r8,1f2,1u9,1l8,1 10,1d7,1a11,1y3,1{7,1©13,1} ..©-CoMeBaCkSoOn-©:/kick # $$1 4,1{1,4©4,1}1,4C4,1o1,4M4,1e1,4 4,1B1,4a4,1C1,4k4,1 1,4S4,1o1,4O4,1n1,4{4,1©4,1} ..©-LaMeR-©:/brick $nick !!!!!!!!! You Lamer you have been around here way to long. | /ame Draws his sword 4,15@4,1xxx4,15][4,14>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | /brick $nick ,I'm warning ,Leave or I will make you Leave! | /brick Since $nick is such a LAMER he runs like the wind ,never to return again. | /kick # $$1 {©}-KåH=©ð£ð®§-{©} ..©-OpSbEgGeR-©:/ncu Damn!What the hell is that smell???? | /ncu It smells like.....like......An Ops begger!!! | /ncu And guess what,we don't have op begging in $chan!! | /kick # $$1 {©}-KåH=©ð£ð®§-{©} ============================================================================= ---===Place this in Aliases===--- ============================================================================= /ece { %c = *1 set %c $replace(%c,a,4a) set %c $replace(%c,b,3B) set %c $replace(%c,c,6C) set %c $replace(%c,d,7D) set %c $replace(%c,e,4e) set %c $replace(%c,f,12F) set %c $replace(%c,g,13G) set %c $replace(%c,h,6H) set %c $replace(%c,i,4i) set %c $replace(%c,j,J) set %c $replace(%c,k,3K) set %c $replace(%c,l,L) set %c $replace(%c,m,4M) set %c $replace(%c,n,6N) set %c $replace(%c,o,4o) set %c $replace(%c,p,12P) set %c $replace(%c,q,Q) set %c $replace(%c,r,13R) set %c $replace(%c,s,7S) set %c $replace(%c,t,T) set %c $replace(%c,u,4u) set %c $replace(%c,v,V) set %c $replace(%c,w,12W) set %c $replace(%c,x,7X) set %c $replace(%c,y,Y) set %c $replace(%c,z,6z) set %c $replace(%c,?,12¿15?) say %c unset %c } /bac { unset %final unset %endreverse set %sections $token(0,32,*1) :revstart if (%sections == 0) goto revend set %reverseme $token(%sections,32,*1) set %length $len(%reverseme) set %backtext $mid(%length,1,%reverseme) dec %length 1 :backstart if (%length == 0) goto backend set %tempback $mid(%length,1,%reverseme) set %backtext %backtext $+ %tempback dec %length 1 goto backstart :backend set %reversed_text %backtext set %temp %reversed_text set %final %final %temp dec %sections 1 goto revstart :revend set %endreverse %final say %final } /bg { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg =  | %color = p :start if %color == p { %num2 = 1 | %num3 = 9 | %color = y | goto add } if %color == y { %num2 = 9 | %num3 = 1 | %color = p | goto add } :add if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null { %msg = %msg $+  $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+  inc %num goto start } say %msg } /cc { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg =  | %color = p :start if %color == p { %num2 = 1 | %num3 = 9 | %color = y | goto add } if %color == y { %num2 = 4 | %num3 = 1 | %color = p | goto add } :add if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null { %msg = %msg $+  $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+  inc %num goto start } say %msg } /ec { set %ftalk *1 %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,a,2å) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,b,3þ) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,c,4Ç) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,d,5Ð) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,e,6ë) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,f,7F) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,g,8G) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,h,9H) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,i,10î) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,j,11J) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,k,12K) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,l,13£) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,m,14M) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,n,15ñ) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,o,2ø) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,p,3¶) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,q,4Q) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,r,5®) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,s,6§) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,t,7T) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,u,8µ) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,v,9V) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,w,10\\') %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,x,11×) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,y,12¥) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,z,12Z) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,!,4!) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,?,4?) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,*,5*) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,^,6^) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,$,7$) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,@,9@) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,&,10&) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,",11") %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,<,12<) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,>,13>!) SAY %ftalk } /e { set %ftalk *1 %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,a,å) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,b,ß) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,c,©) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,d,Ð) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,e,ë) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,f,F) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,g,G) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,h,H) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,i,î) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,j,J) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,k,K) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,l,£) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,m,M) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,n,ñ) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,o,ø) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,p,¶) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,q,Q) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,r,®) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,s,§) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,t,t) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,u,µ) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,v,V) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,w,\\') %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,x,×) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,y,¥) %ftalk = $replace(%ftalk,z,Z) say %ftalk } /r { set %i $replace(*1,$chr(32), ) | set %i $left(200,%i) | set %o $chr(3) $+ 4,1 | set %p 1 | set %c 1 :loop set %o %o $+ $chr(3) $+ $token( %c , 38 , 4&7&8&9&11&13 ) $+ $mid(%p,1,%i) inc %p if ( $mid(%p,1,%i) !=  ) { inc %c } if ( %c > 6 ) { set %c 1 } if ( $mid(%p,1,%i) != $null ) { goto loop } say %o unset %o %i %p %c } /brick { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg =  | %color = p :start if %color == p { %num2 = 1 | %num3 = 4 | %color = y | goto add } if %color == y { %num2 = 4 | %num3 = 1 | %color = p | goto add } :add if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null { %msg = %msg $+  $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+  inc %num goto start } say %msg } /rainbow { unset %textfinal set %rainbow *1 set %text.change 0 :beginning inc %text.change if %text.change > $len(%rainbow) goto end set %rand1 $rand(1,15) set %text2add  $+ %rand1 $+ $mid(%text.change,1,%rainbow) $+  if (%text.change == 1) { set %textfinal %text2add } else set %textfinal %textfinal $+ %text2add goto beginning :end msg $chan %textfinal } /bw { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg =  | %color = p :start if %color == p { %num2 = 1 | %num3 = 16 | %color = y | goto add } if %color == y { %num2 = 16 | %num3 = 1 | %color = p | goto add } :add if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null { %msg = %msg $+  $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+  inc %num goto start } say %msg } ============================================================================= ---===Place this in Events===--- ============================================================================= 1:ON JOIN:#:{ inc %count 1 /notice $nick Welcome to 4,15-4,14:4,1[ $+ $chan $+ ]4,14:4,15-4,15Todays date-< $+ $date $+ >-4,14You are person Number -{ 9,1 %count 4,14 }-4,1{©-KåH=©ð£ð®§-©} } ============================================================================= Although this script is not that useful i found it pretty fun to use.If you have any problems or you need help check out #Kingdom_kids or #mirc_scripts. I plan to release a 2.00 version soon.If you would like to help on the next version contact me and tell me.Later,To|\|iC ============================================================================= Thanks to every1 in #Mirc_Scripts that helped me out ====================== |********************| |**|{å|-|~©ð£ð®§**| |********************| |*****By*To|\|iC*****| |********************| ====================== --=={1997}==-- V 1.05 Alpha